Monday, September 8, 2014

Natural Oatmeal Soap

Making your own soap is not only a fun hobby but can be essential for people who have sensitive skin or for people looking for natural alternatives to chemical based products. Oatmeal soap is a great natural exfoliating facial scrub.

Things You’ll Need:

  • 3-4 ounces glycerin melt and pour soap base
  • 1 1/2 tsp oatmeal
  • soap mold
  • wooden or metal spoon
  • serrated knife
  • microwave-safe 2 cup measuring cup
  • spray bottle filled with rubbing alcohol
  • microwave oven


Step 1:
Assembly all your tools and ingredients next to the microwave oven.
Step 2:
Chop the glycerin soap base into cubes.
Step 3:
Place half of the oatmeal into the bottom of the mold.
Step 4:
Put soap cubes into the measuring cup and heat in the microwave on high for 40 seconds. Stir. Continue to heat and stir the soap base at 10 second intervals until cubes are completely melted.
Step 5:
Pour melted soap from the measuring cup into the mold, filling it 1/2 way. If the soap begins to harden before you are finished, simply reheat and stir.
Step 6:
Add the remaining oatmeal to the measuring cup and stir.
Step 7:
Allow the soap to set for a minute or so until the bubbles rise to the top. Squirt with rubbing alcohol. This keeps bubbles from forming in the soap so you have a nice clear bar.
Step 8:
Allow the soap to cool for about a half hour or until the soap bar has hardened.
Step 9:
Turn mold over and pop soap bar out by pressing down on the mold with your thumbs. If the soap bar is stubborn, place mold in the freezer for ten minutes and try again.

Tips & Warnings

  • Try olive oil glycerin soap base for a moisturizing facial soap.
  • Cornmeal can be substituted for oatmeal.
  • Try adding a drop of soap fragrance or soap coloring.
  • The melted soap is very hot! Don't use plastic utensils and keep small children out of the way.

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